Worms and Leaky Gut: A High Throughput Approach to Discover Functional Ingredients for Gut Health
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the use of functional ingredients to improve gut health and reduce leaky gut syndrome. These ingredients include prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics, phytochemicals, botanical extracts, metabolites, micronutrients, and synergistic combinations of these ingredients. Check out a cutting-edge platform for the discovery and development of functional ingredients that can improve gut health. Gut health affects every aspect of our bodies, so it's imperative to understand the potential benefits of functional ingredients for improving gut health. Check Out the New Approach
A Probiotic Commonly Found in the Japanese Fermented Food Natto Promotes Healthy Aging
A recent study in the Journal of Applied Microbiology has shown that a Bacillus subtilis strain found in Natto, a traditional Japanese fermented soy bean dish, increase the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. The research team led by Prof. Eriko Kage-Nakadai also found that this probiotic increased the oxidative stress resistance of the worms. Read More
Unveiling the Future of Gut Health: A Recap of Probiota Americas 2023
Last month, Probiota Americas 2023 took place in Chicago, IL, hosted by NutraIngredients. At the kick-off for Probiota, CEOs from some of the leading dietary supplement brands discussed the industry's current state, regulatory matters, women in leadership, building trust with consumers, and the industry's future. Check Out the Recap
Take a Guess: How many mice are used yearly in animal testing in the USA alone?
The National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR) has stated - based on its knowledge of research facilities - that 95% of all lab mammals in the United States are rodents. The FDA has traditionally required drug discovery and development programs to include animal testing. However, the FDA Modernization Act of 2022 ended this requirement, paving the way for the expanded use of alternatives to animal testing, such as organism-on-chip assays. Can you guess how many mice are currently used in testing annually in the US? I'll take a guess!
Meet One of Our Scientists Behind the Worms: M. Adnan Qureshi, Ph.D.
With over six years of C. elegans experience, Adnan is a highly accomplished scientist with a passion for scientific exploration and making a difference in people’s health. He leads a team developing novel assays that allow our partners to study their functional ingredients across various health areas. Read more about Adnan